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Tuesday, September 23, 2014


Hi love ! 

Lately, since school has started I haven t been eating the healthiest and I want to change that !
When you are studying you use your energy and after a while you feel hungry and that s the point when we all want to grab a bag of chips or chocolate bar or a grande caffee latte but let me tell you this : don t snack on those things !!! They are full of bad sugars that, my friend, are not good for you, moreover they dont keep you full nor give you enough energy.

So instead, grab some apple, raisins and beloved peanut butter :)
All you need to know to make this snack is knowing how to hold a knife as you will need to cut the apples in slices (as big as you like) and then put some peanut butter and on one side, raisins. Next, just put two slices together and done ! 

Those three ingredients have many benefits like increasing your supply of energy, reducing cholesterol, boosting your immune system (vitamine C) . Overall, its super good combination of fiber and protein.

Simple, easy, everyone can do it. I like eating them as a snack or with my breakfast in the morning. 
I made a bunch of these for my two little sisters and I last night while we were just fooling around, watching movies and playing cards. I love to spend quality time with my family, it calms me down, lets me to forget about stressful things and makes me warm around heart and happy ♥

What is your favourite food to snack on ? 

- Blonde ♥

Monday, September 15, 2014


Hey. Hi !

Today I was feeling crafty and I had this notebook that I wasn t a fond of its covers, so I thought : "Let´s jazz up this boringness". I grabbed this adorable paper bag that was sitting in my desk for a quite a while, a pair of scissors, a super glue and a scotch tape.

♥The next thing I did was just cutting the corners of my bag.
You should have the front and the back and one side of your bag

♥ Take the front and put it on top of your notebook

♥ measure how much you need, cut the excess and glue it ! 


♥ repeat with the back of your notebook 

♥You can leave it like that if you wish but I took that side I cut earlier and cut it in half 

♥ fold it in half and just glue it  :)

♥ to make sure this little diy project doesn´t get destroyed, take your scotch tape and tape the ends of your notebook 

I think it turend out super cute. I took me only 10 minutes to do this. It´s easy and great way to recycle your old paper bags and isn´t time consuming. You can always add some stickers or jewels or glitter or just doodle something to it to make it even more gorgeous. 

I hope you enjoyed this DIY! If you make this notebook please make sure to tweet the picutre to me (@xlittlefreakx) with a #bbDIY ! I´d love to see them and I will include them in my next DIY post with a link of your blog !
Have a nice day 

- Blonde ♥ 

Sunday, September 14, 2014


Well, hello there !
So, for the last two weeks I haven´t posted nothing on my blog and I apologize. School started this week and I just wanted to enjoy that last week of summer. I use word "week" waaaay too much.    Ok, I´ll stop now.
As some of you already know, I went on a trip to Spain.
One word : FANFU*****TASTIC
Everything was so stunning and beautiful and aaah I wanna go back so badly.
I took so many photos, gurl you don t even know! And I decided to put the most of them in this short video as this post would get too long. I worked really hard on it and I would appreciate if you take 2 minutes of your time and watch it.
Hope you enjoy! 

What´s your favourite memory from this summer?

p.s. I missed you all ♥
