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Monday, September 15, 2014


Hey. Hi !

Today I was feeling crafty and I had this notebook that I wasn t a fond of its covers, so I thought : "Let´s jazz up this boringness". I grabbed this adorable paper bag that was sitting in my desk for a quite a while, a pair of scissors, a super glue and a scotch tape.

♥The next thing I did was just cutting the corners of my bag.
You should have the front and the back and one side of your bag

♥ Take the front and put it on top of your notebook

♥ measure how much you need, cut the excess and glue it ! 


♥ repeat with the back of your notebook 

♥You can leave it like that if you wish but I took that side I cut earlier and cut it in half 

♥ fold it in half and just glue it  :)

♥ to make sure this little diy project doesn´t get destroyed, take your scotch tape and tape the ends of your notebook 

I think it turend out super cute. I took me only 10 minutes to do this. It´s easy and great way to recycle your old paper bags and isn´t time consuming. You can always add some stickers or jewels or glitter or just doodle something to it to make it even more gorgeous. 

I hope you enjoyed this DIY! If you make this notebook please make sure to tweet the picutre to me (@xlittlefreakx) with a #bbDIY ! I´d love to see them and I will include them in my next DIY post with a link of your blog !
Have a nice day 

- Blonde ♥ 


  1. Super vam je ovooo :)

    Giveaway na mom blog:

  2. Wonderful idea. ;-)
    Lovely greets Nessa

  3. Great idea! A cool way to reuse an item that is laying around.
